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Hollymount Primary School

Get in contact

Name of Headteacher and Chair of Governors

Headteacher:  Mr. Joe Croft

Head Of Governors:  Dr. Janko Calic 

Address and contact details

 Tel:    020 8946 0454
Hollymount School,
Cambridge Road,
SW20 0SQ

Contact details of key staff

replies@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - for  enquiries 

schooladmissions@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - Admissions enquiries

pupilabsences@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - reporting any absences/lates

finance@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - invoices and financial queries

chairofgovs@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - to contact the Chair of Governors

headteacher@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - Headteacher 

melodyrigler@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - Assistant Headteacher (Teaching + Learning) 

fayekimber@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - Assistant Headteacher - (Inclusion/SEND/Mental Health Lead)

felicitywhite@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - Assistand Headteacher- (Curriculum)

sbm@hollymount.merton.sch.uk - School Business Manager 

explorers@hollymount.merton.sch.uk Holiday Club contact

Teatimers@hollymount.merton.sch.uk After School Club Contact

he Headteacher is our designated safeguarding officer and the assistant, deputy and business manager are all Deputy Designated Safeguarding officers 

You can request paper copies of policies or any other information by contacting the office above

You can read our privacy notice by - clicking here 



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