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Hollymount Primary School

Starting Reception 

We are absolutely delighted that you have been offered a place at Hollymount Primary School and I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to the Hollymount community. This is the start of your child’s educational journey and it is a privilege to play such a vital part to this.  

The start of your child’s education is an exciting time; however we know that it can come with some nerves and worries as well. I want to reassure you that everyone at Hollymount will do all that we can to make sure that your family settle in to school life as quickly and easily as possible. We believe that a safe, nurturing and exciting educational setting is the key to success and I am positive that your child will thrive at Hollymount.

 As part of this settling in process you will be invited to a online ‘meet the Early Years Leader’. During this meeting we will get to meet one and other as well as hear some information about the settling in period, the rest of the summer term and to answer any questions you may have. We then hold a face to face event where you will meet your child’s teacher and find out more about the start of term. At this meeting you will have find out all information regarding the settling in process.

Dates and information will be sent out to you as soon as you are offered a place. You will also be encouraged to set up you 'Arbor' account and start to explore the website.

We encourage parents to ask questions and get in contact if you need anything at all. 

New parent meeting presentation



Starting Reception videos

Urdu Polish
Sylheti Somali